Thorsten Chmuralogo



Common components of risk and uncertainty attitudes across contexts and domains: Evidence from 30 countries


Journal of the European Economic Association. doi: 10.1111/jeea.12102

Joint work with Ferdinand M. Vieider, Mathieu Lefebvre, Ranoua Bouchouicha, Rustamdjan Hakimov, Michal Krawczyk, Peter Martinsson

Between- versus Within-Country Differences in Risk Attitudes: Implications for Cultural Comparisons


accepted for publication Theory and Decision

Joint work with Ferdinand M. Vieider, Tyler Fisher, Takao Kusakawa, Peter Martinsson, Frauke Mattison Thompson, & Adewara Sunday

Route Choice in the Presence of a Toll Road: The Role of Pre-Trip Information and Learning

accepted for publication Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour

Joint work with Florian Knorr and Michael Schreckenberg


Generalized Impulse Balance: An Experimental Test for a class of 3 × 3 Games

Review of Behavioral Economics, Vol. 1, No. 1-2, pp. 27-53  

Joint work with Reinhard Selten & Sebastian Goerg


A simple stochastic cellular automaton for synchronized traffic flow

Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Vol 405,  pp. 332-337

Joint work with Benedikt Herz, Florian Knorr, Thomas Pitz, Michael Schreckenberg



Learning in Repeated 2x2 Games

Games and Economic Behavior, Vol. 76, pp. 44-73.  

Joint work with Sebastian Goerg and Reinhard Selten


Correction and Re-examination of Stationary Concepts for Experimental 2x2 Games: A Reply

American Economic Review, 101 (2), pp. 1041-1044.

Joint work with Reinhard Selten and Sebastian J. Goerg


Theory, Learning and Experiments in a 3-person Coordination Game with mixed strategy Equilibria,

Games 2011, 2(3), pages 333-354.

Joint work with Werner Güth


Response Modes and Coordination in a Traffic Context an Experimental Comparison of Chinese and German Participants.

Singapore Economic Review


Over Perfect Complements Owned Separately: With Experimental Test

Economics Letters, Elsevier, vol. 107(2), pages 115-118, May

Joint work with Ning Yu, Thomas Pitz, and Ning Sun



Stationary Concepts for Experimental 2x2-Games

American Economic Review 98(3), pp. 938-66.

Joint work with Reinhard Selten



The Minority Game: Experiments and Simulations

Journal of Systems and Management, 2007 Vol. 16 Bo. 6, p. 585-590.

Joint work with Thomas Pitz and Fangyu Fei


Simulating Complex Social Behaviour With The Genetic Action Tree Kernel     

Journal of Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory. 13 (4), p. 355-377

Joint work with Johannes Kaiser and Thomas Pitz


Commuters Route Choice Behaviour

Games and Economic Behaviour 58 (2007) 394–406.

Joint work with Reinhard Selten, Thomas Pitz , Sebastian Kube and Michael Schreckenberg


An Extended Reinforcement Algorithm for Estimation of Human Behaviour in Congestion Games

Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation vol. 10, no. 2

Joint work with Thomas Pitz



The Successful Stoics - An Astonishing Property of the Minority Game 

Physica A 363, 477-480

Joint work with Thomas Pitz



Testing (Beliefs about) Social Preferences : Evidence from an Experimental Coordination Game

Economics Letters, Vol. 88 (2), 214-220

Joint work with Sebastian Kube, Thomas Pitz and Clemens Puppe


NETSIM - A software environment to study route choice behavior in laboratory experiments

In: Representing Social Reality. Foelbach. S. 339-344.

Joint work with Thomas Pitz, Michael Möhring and Klaus G. Troitzsch



Experimentelle Untersuchung zum Routenwahlverhalten

In: Symposium 'Transportsysteme und Verkehrspolitik', Akademie der Wissenschaften Schriften, Published: Nordrhein-Westfälische Akademie d. Wissenschaften, 1. Print 14.04.2004 104 S. Pages 89 - 98. 

Joint work with Reinhard Selten, Michael Schreckenberg and Thomas Pitz



Experiments on Route Choice Behaviour

In: Interface and Transport Dynamics, Ed. H. Emmerich, B. Nestler, M. Lecture Notes in Computers Science 32, Schreckenberg, (Springer, Heidelberg), p. 317-320

Joint work with Michael Schreckenberg, Reinhard Selten, Thomas Pitz and Joachim Wahle



Experiments on Day-to-Day Route Choice

e-print, Cooperative Transport Dynamics, Dresdner Verkehrstage

Joint work with Michael Schreckenberg, Reinhard Selten, Thomas Pitz and Joachim Wahle


Contribution to Books:



Effects of Advanced Traveller Information Systems on Agents' Behaviour in a Traffic Scenario

in: T. Pöschel, A. Schadschneider, R. Kühne, M. Schreckenberg, D. E. Wolf (Eds): Traffic and Granular Flow '05, p. 631-640, Springer, Heidelberg, 2007.

Joint work with Johannes Kaiser, Thomas Pitz, Mark Blumberg and Marco Brück


Laboratory Experiments with Nagel Schreckenberg Algorithm

Traffic and Granular Flow '05, T. Pöschel, A. Schadschneider, R. Kühne, M. Schreckenberg, D. E. Wolf (Eds). Springer, Heidelberg

Joint work with Thomas Pitz and Michael Schreckenberg



Experimental Investigation of a Two Route Scenario with Construction Areas

In Traffic and Granular Flow '03, S.P. Hoogendoorn, S. Luding, P.H.L. Bovy, M. Schreckenberg, and D.E. Wolf (Eds.), (Springer, Heidelberg),p. 317-325.

Joint work with Thomas Pitz and Reinhard Selten


The Minority Game Experiments and Simulations

In: Traffic and Granular Flow '03, S.P. Hoogendoorn, S. Luding, P.H.L. Bovy, M. Schreckenberg, and D.E. Wolf (Eds.), (Springer, Heidelberg), 305-317.

Joint work with Thomas Pitz and Michael Schreckenberg



Die Szenariobündelmethode am Beispiel Bosnien Herzegowinas

In: Bosnien und Herzigowina, Europas Balkanpolitik auf dem Prüfstand, Ed.: Erich Reiter, Predrag Jurekovic, Nomos Verlag, Baden-Baden, pages 163-179.

Joint work with Reinhard Selten and Thomas Pitz


Die Szenariobündelmethode am Beispiel des Kosovo

In: Zur Lösung des Kosovokonflikts, in: Ed. E. Reiter, R. Selten, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, Baden-Baden, p.11-44.

Joint work with Reinhard Selten and Thomas Pitz


Experimental Investigation of Day-to-Day Route Choice-Behaviour and Simulation of Autobahn Traffic in NRW

In: Traffic and Human Behaviour, Ed. R. Selten, M. Schreckenberg, (Springer, Heidelberg), p. 1-23.

Joint work with Reinhard Selten, Michael Schreckenberg, Thomas Pitz, Sebastian Kube, Sigurður F. Hafstein, Roland Chrobok, Andreas Pottmeier and Joachim Wahle


Survey and Forecasts on Public Transportation in NRW & Stirring up Interfaces and Demarcations of Traffic Models

In: Traffic and Human Behaviour, Ed. R. Selten, M. Schreckenberg, (Springer, Heidelberg), p. 155-167.

Joint work with Günther Harloff and Thomas Pitz



Experimental Investigation of Day-to-Day Route Choice-Behaviour

In: Traffic and Granular Flow `01, Ed. M. Fukui, Y. Sugiyama, D. E. Wolf, (Springer, Heidelberg), p. 325-331.

Joint work with Reinhard Selten, Michael Schreckenberg, Thomas Pitz and Joachim Wahle


How can we Avoid Traffic Jams? Simulating the Social Practice of Joint Ride?

Urban Ch. (editor) 3rd Workshop on Agent-Based Simulation, April 7-9, Passau, Germany, p. 50-54

Joint work with Thomas Pitz, Solveig Hofmann and Peter Mäkelä



2010          Four contributions to experimental economics - binary choice

online publication


2005          Analyse, Simulation und Modellierung von Routenwahlverhalten

online publication


Working Papers:


Learning in Experimental 2x2 Games

Bonn Econ Discussion Paper. (Re-Submitted to Games and Economic Behavior)

Joint work with Sebastian Goerg and Reinhard Selten



At the Mercy of the Prisoner Next Door Using an Experimental Measure of Selfishness as a Criminological Tool, Max Planck Preprint

Joint work with Christoph Engel, Markus Englerth and Thomas Pitz



The Tobin Tax: A Game-Theoretical and an Experimental Approach,

Bonn Econ Discussion Paper

Joint work with Johannes Kaiser and Thomas Pitz



Minority Game: An Experimental Approach

Bonn Econ Discussion Paper

Joint work with Thomas Pitz



An Extended Reinforcement Algorithm for Estimation of Human Behaviour in Congestion Games

Bonn Econ Discussion Paper

Joint work with Thomas Pitz


The Minority Game - Experiments and Simulations of Traffic Scenarios.

Bonn Econ Discussion Paper (No. 23/2004)

Joint work with Thomas Pitz



Experiments and Simulations on Day-to-Day Route Choice Behaviour

CESIFO Working Paper No. 900, Munich

Joint work with Reinhard Selten, Michael Schreckenberg, Thomas Pitz and Sebastian Kube